Happy Valentine’s Day! 9 Heart-Shaped Braids That You’ll Love
Valentine’s Day is practically here! We’ve collected nine of our favorite heart-shaped braids that show off a range of braid artistry. This year’s trends include some incredible cornrows (sometimes combined with micro braids), fishbone braiding techniques, creative use of parts, overlay braids and old-school beads.
#9: Hearts, Butterflies and Crochet Braids
This super cute look incorporates a heart-shaped braid pattern on the side of the head with crochet braids left loose for an of-the-moment faux side-shaved look.

Instagram: @mimisbraids
#8: Cornrow and Top Bun With Heart-Shaped Braids
This takes a simple style, the cornrow updo, and gives it personality with heart-shaped braids at the front and the nape. It’s a little bit of unexpected design in a staple braided hairstyle.

Instagram @justinalifetime
#7: Cornrows with Heart-Shaped Part
Simple in the front and back, this style shows off a large heart-shaped section in the back that’s offset by micro cornrows. An offset cornrow inside the heart shape gives the shape a bit of weight. All braids are then plaited together into one long braid to finish.

Instagram @juicedbynesha
#6: Side-Swept Cornrows With Dimensional Heart-Shaped Braid
These cornrows start on the right side of the head, leaving a heart-shaped section toward the right rear crown. The heart shape is defined by two medium-size cornrows, then given dimension with an overlay braiding style.

Instagram @byjawz
#5: Cornrows and Micros: Another Take On Heart-Shaped Braids
This is another, more complicated version of the cornrows and micros approach to heart-shaped braids. Micro braids are braided along all of the parts for texture and visual interest. Colored braiding hair was added to the heart-shaped section for an extra pop.

Instagram: juicedbynesha
#4: Cornrow, Yarn, Fishbone and Hearts
Let’s just take a moment to think about all of the things this braiding artist has done. She’s done fishbone braids with a pretty pop of cobalt blue and violet yarn in the cornrows for visual texture. She’s done a triple heart-shaped pattern on the crown and has topped it all off with braid jewelry. We love it.

Instagram @mimisbraids
#3: Old School Braids and Beads
Remember braids with beads? This style is especially cute for girls. We love the way these cute pink beads show off the braid artistry here. Definitely do try this one on your little ones — just make sure she can sleep comfortably with those beads near her scalp.

Instagram @royalroots13
#2: Cornrows With Fish Bone Heart Cross-Over Detail
This style from one of our favorite braid artists mixes the simple with the complex. Two neat cornrows open in the back to reveal a perfectly-braided heart-shaped design at the crown.
#1: Heart-Shaped Goddess Braid
Goddess braids are hot right now, but braiding goddess braids into shapes like this elevates the game. We love this style for its simple elegance.

Instagram @juicedbynesha
Image Sources
- https-::scontent.cdninstagram.com:t51.2885-15:s640x640:sh0.08:e35:15276597_920673191402575_4633863253858975744_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTQwMjY3Njk1NzE1NzgzODM2NQ.3: Instagram @jazz_braids_styles